National Cyber Security Awareness Month with SumnerOne

In 2004, the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security launched National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) to educate Americans about online security. NCSAM is observed each October and is an active effort to educate end users about the different areas of cyber security including safety at home, work, and overall best practices. Online security isn't the job of just one person, it's a collective effort for each person that uses the internet. The SumnerOne's Solutions Team has worked together to create a great month's worth of tips and education to spread awareness.

The Importance of Online Security Awareness

Protecting yourself online goes beyond the responsibility of an IT Department or your device's security settings. It's important to understand best practices online at home, work, and in the community. The goal for NCSAM is to shine a spotlight on the fact that, as users of the internet, we need to build a strong and secure workforce to ensure that everyone is protected.

The internet is a great place filled with endless amounts of information, entertainment, and tools that add convenience to our everyday lives. As great as the internet can be, it can also be a dangerous place with tons of opportunities to be misused on accident. Through continuing to share educational information about how to stay safe online, users can protect themselves, their families, and offices from falling victim to some of the darker parts of the internet. The internet is always changing and new information and scams become available each day. NCSAM is your yearly reminder to brush up on what to look out for to protect yourself and your information.

Spreading Security Awareness with SumnerOne

The experts at SumnerOne want to do our part in spreading the message of online security awareness. Beginning October 1, you can expect to find tips and information straight from our IT experts being shared on our online platforms complete with a different theme each week. We've carved out an entire plan for sharing information with our customers and others. Here is a bit of what you can expect from SumnerOne as we roll out our NSCAM plan of action!

Monday: Tech Talk Tip of the Week - Our IT Experts work together to bring you Tech Talk every Friday on The Big 550 KTRS. Each Monday during October we'll be sharing a Tech Talk worthy tip straight from our experts. You can find our tip on our LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter feeds.

Tuesday: Cyber Security Blog - The SumnerOne blog will feature articles written by authors from our IT Department that stick with the overarching theme for the week. This is your opportunity to dive in deep with the topic and learn more.

Wednesday: Cyber Security in the News - We'll be sharing news articles on each theme on our social media accounts. This gives you the chance to learn even more from another credible resource.

Thursday: Tech Talk Weekly Recap - Our weekly Tech Talk recaps highlight what our IT Expert and Guy Phillips talked the week before during our segment on The Big 550 KTRS. This blog comes filled with information and the complete video, just in case you weren't able to catch Tech Talk live.

Friday: Tech Talk on KTRS - Every Friday afternoon we are live from the KTRS studio at 4:20. Our Tech Talk topics for the month of October will stick to the theme we have running for NSCAM that week. Be sure to catch us live on 550AM and call in if you have any questions, we're always happy to answer.

There is something for everyone to learn this month as we shine some light on National Cyber Security Awareness Month. For more information about SumnerOne and how we handle cyber security in the workplace, contact us.


 Originally published October 1, 2018, updated January 26, 2020


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