In Case You Missed Us: Two-Factor Authentication on Tech Talk with KTRS

Last Friday on our weekly Tech Talk segment on The Big 550 KTRS our IT expert, Jeff Groby, joined the show to talk about two-factor authentication. Guy Phillips started the show out with a bang, by letting the listeners know that his PayPal account had recently been compromised. Luckily, Guy was notified and was able to take action before the criminal got away with a few hundred dollars worth of technology! Securing your accounts is something that we always talk about on Tech Talk. Guy's negative experience is just another reminder of why it's so important. One great way to secure your accounts is through using two-factor authentication, Jeff came geared up and ready to talk about the added level of security.

Two-Factor Authentication

These days, passwords just aren't enough. Two-factor authentication is an added method of security beyond a traditional password. This method involves sending a text message, phone call, or email to verify the person trying to access the account is who they say they are. This process will send the user a code for them to enter online before granting them access to the account. Two-factor authentication is like having to show two forms of ID, it's just an extra way to protect your data and important information.

As of now, this feature is optional. A lot of major online companies ask users if they would like to enable this step when creating an account. Sometimes it can be a little tedious having to enter in another step of information, but if it means the difference in protecting your account it's worth it. The idea behind this process is that the chances of someone trying to break into your account also having access to the device your code is being sent to is unlikely. If you have the chance to set up two-factor authentication on your online accounts, the experts at SumnerOne recommend it.

Tech Talk Question: Cleaning Your Old Devices

In addition to talking about two-factor authentication, we had a caller call in to the Guy Phillips Show with tech questions. The caller asked about the steps she should take in cleaning her computer before recycling it. Cleaning off old and personal data off of a device you're looking to retire is important. Jeff's advice was to do a google search for a downloadable device cleaning software. There are plenty of options available both paid and unpaid to help end users clean up their data before retiring an old device. We've even had a Tech Talk segment in the past over the topic. Cleaning your computer and devices is a great step to take in ensuring that your data doesn't fall into the wrong hands after the technology has left your possession.

Tech Talk Presented by SumnerOne

Each week we join the group over at The Big 550 KTRS for our Tech Talk segment. Tune in this Friday afternoon at 4:20 to catch our IT expert talking about the steps homeowners need to take when it comes to securing smart home devices. As a reminder, October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month. The experts at SumnerOne have been pulling together their knowledge to make for a great month filled with educational information about staying safe online. For more information about the different services and solutions, SumnerOne has to offer, contact us!








 Originally published September 28, 2018, updated February 12, 2019 


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