Elf on the Shelf: Office Chaos Edition

If you've followed along with the Elf on the Shelf tradition in recent years, you know that the elf is supposed to be reporting to Santa on the behavior of those they are watching over. This year, SumnerOne joined in on the fun and we added Peppermint the Elf to our payroll! Peppermint was our newest employee and we were so excited to welcome her to the SumnerOne family, even if the fun had to be short-lived. After all the fun and games, we knew Peppermint would have to be headed back to the North Pole. We can't wait to see what she will have up her sleeve for next year.

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Office Technologies of the Past 100 Years

We may not be able to live forever or ride to work on a hover board, but we're definitely living during a time of innovation. There once was an entire generation of people in the workforce who had no idea that something like the internet or computers would even be possible. With that being said, can you even begin to imagine the types of things the workers of the future will have at their fingertips? Starting with the 1910s, take a journey back in time and learn about the technologies of the past that have helped to shape the working world.

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Minimizing Security Risks with Document Management

The reality in today’s business environment is that the vast majority of information breaches are from internal sources. A recent survey said that 75% of security breaches are caused due to internal threats. Often times these breaches are unintentional, but, that doesn’t make the risk any less severe. In a regulated business environment, it has become even more important that your integral documents are secure to mitigate your risk. Securing your office with document management is a surefire way to know your important data won't fall into the wrong hands.

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5 Reasons SumnerOne is Thankful this Thanksgiving


We've been serving businesses in the Midwest for over sixty years. That fact in and of itself is enough for us to be feeling very thankful every year. In a time that is all about giving thanks, we wanted to share a few of the special things that we are thankful for at SumnerOne. 2018 has been a big year for our company, and we just wanted to remind the members of our SumnerOne family and our customers just how special they are and to thank them for the role they have played in that this year.

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In Case You Missed Us: Personal Data Backup on Tech Talk on KTRS

We're all guilty of moving away from actually printing pictures. The norm has become storing your memories in a folder on your device and taking things on the go. While it's nice to always have access to your pictures, what happens if you accidentally overwrite the file and you lose the picture forever? Sounds like you could be out of luck. Our IT expert Randy Moore joined the Guy Phillips Show for Tech Talk on KTRS last Friday to talk about the importance of securely backing up your personal data.

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4 Ways Old Technology is Hurting Your Business and You Didn't Even Know It

Keeping up with the latest trends and staying ahead of the curve in technology can be difficult. It seems like we're inundated with messages almost daily about the "latest" and the "greatest" new pieces of technology. Relying on old technology and outdated methods can limit your productivity, make staying organized difficult, and leave you missing out on new opportunities. Not being on par with the latest technology can affect your business in more ways than one. There's no need to be feeling outdated with technology when there is so much available. 

This is our list of the 4 ways old technology is hurting your business. The good news is, for each of these negative circumstances, there is a solution.

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The New Millennium and SumnerOne

When we wrapped our last SumnerOne history lesson, we were just about to enter the new millennium. The growth SumnerOne experienced in the 1990's was the driving force behind all of the big changes that the 2000's and 2010's would hold for our company. It's safe to say that we didn't peak when the new millennium rolled around. We were just getting started.

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