Thanks to a well-known car insurance company, we all know that “mayhem” can wreak havoc on the roadways. But, just like getting stuck trying to change a tire in a heavy rainstorm, you can get stuck bending over a printer, trying to change out an ink cartridge, jiggling the USB cable of a non-networked printer that won’t print, or yanking out a paper jam…and then that paper jam turns out to be a co-worker’s birthday party invitation for their kid.

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3 Reasons to Move to a Document Management Solution

 Small and medium businesses see a lot of value when moving to managed document solutions, but it takes a little digging. We find the top benefits to our clients who adopt electronic content management (ECM) fall into three categories access, monitoring and processing all of that critical data. Some examples include:

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So You Say? Amazon Alexa is the Latest in AI Technology!


 Amazon Alexa may be the darling of household technologies at the moment, but the implications for business are no less dramatic. AI is driving text-to-speech and the inverse, as well as image recognition. Cousins to Alexa, Amazon Rekognition and Lex are accelerating development in the AI space and it’s coming to businesses with real-time functionality and an affordable price point.

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Change Your Browser Support Every 3,000 Miles


Browsers have a pretty short lifecycle, but they are often one of the most vulnerable points of your technology solution if not updated regularly . What’s in use in your office right now? IE8 or 9? At the start of 2016, Microsoft stopped supporting Internet Explorer versions 8, 9 and 10 for Windows 7, 8.1 and 10. When it comes to browser versions, there are two main concerns for small and medium  businesses:
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Planning: Time for a Disaster Recovery Solution

Disaster planning and recovery is a critical exercise for every company. In addition to the safety of your employees, the protection of your physical space, and technology at the core of most businesses, emergency management and recovery is a crucial, ongoing need.

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Does Your Business Have a Disaster Recovery Plan?

Does your business have a disaster recovery plan? Well they should. Without a plan, sensitive data and information could be lost forever should something ever happen to your physical files. Could your business survive that? You may think "Oh, that'll never happen to my business." However, it's always best to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. 

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Mobile Risks and Network Security

More than half of employees report using mobile devices, either employer-provided or personal for work purposes. There is no doubt that portability and connectivity play a huge role in small and medium business development opportunities. It can be incredibly efficient, but it also can be risky as employers across the country report that their biggest security concerns is mobile technology.
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