5 Tips For Avoiding Cyber Criminals on Cyber Monday

What do cyber criminals and the Grinch have in common? When it comes to the holiday season, both bad guys are out to ruin your holiday cheer! Cyber Monday is the biggest day for online shopping in the United States. Are you keeping yourself safe from the Cyber Grinch trying to ruin your holiday shopping?

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Is your Business Prepared for a Cyber Attack?

"They couldn't possibly be after MY data," you think, as you start the cyber security conversation with your IT department. Your data is valuable to you but, what could cyber criminals possibly want to steal data files about your business, with no context?

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Bad Rabbit: The Latest in Ransomware Attacks


On Tuesday, a new ransomware appeared in Russia and the Ukraine, and began spreading throughout the region. The ransomware which has been dubbed, “Bad Rabbit,” started spreading through Russian media outlets and large corporations in the Ukraine. Quickly, it made its way to large corporations in Western Europe and the United States.

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WPA2 KRACKS in the Pavement

If you haven't been living under a rock, you may have heard news this week of a vulnerability found in WPA2 that can affect your wireless network security. Here is what you need to know about the latest in cyber attacks.

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Celebrate Online Safety - National Cyber Security Awareness Month!

You wouldn’t leave your door open at home for just anyone to walk in, would you? Likely the answer to that question is no, so why would you leave a door open online for cyber criminals to find their way into your life?

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Risky Business: Small Businesses Need Security Too

In our recent post, What is "IT" for Small to Medium Business Security?, we discussed the biggest security risk for any business - the people. What about the growing list of vulnerabilities that come hand-in-hand with all of our fancy new technologies?

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What is "IT" for Small to Medium Business Security?

What is “IT”? You never know where “IT” could be. Lurking around the printer, responding to e-mails, or answering phone calls.

Maybe "IT" comes in an unexpected e-mail from your coworker, Ted. You click on the link inside without hesitation. Ted is notorious for sharing the best memes. Why wouldn’t you? You wait for the web page to load with anticipation but the page never loads - oh well, there's work to do. Did you notice that Ted's email address was misspelled? What about the web address that the link was sending you to? It was different than the link in the email.

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