How an Enterprise Content Management System Saves You Time and Money

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Systems enable organizations to save time and money by efficiently managing documents and information. By digitizing paper documents and automating document-driven processes, the right people get access to the correct information at the right time, simply and securely.

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Minimizing Security Risks with Document Management

The reality in today’s business environment is that the vast majority of information breaches are from internal sources. A recent survey said that 75% of security breaches are caused due to internal threats. Often times these breaches are unintentional, but, that doesn’t make the risk any less severe. In a regulated business environment, it has become even more important that your integral documents are secure to mitigate your risk. Securing your office with document management is a surefire way to know your important data won't fall into the wrong hands.

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6 Problems Caused by Inefficient Document Management

Sometimes when you have a problem, it's not always easy to see the resolution. Especially when it comes to how things are done in the office with technology. There will always be people who are willing to embrace change and people who prefer how things were done in the past. Neither of these people are wrong. But, the people who prefer how things used to be, may be surprised at how easy technology can make things. This scenario rings true to when it comes time to adopt an electronic content management (ECM) or Document Management solution for your office. Many common problems and inefficiencies can be alleviated by implementing safer, more efficient document workflows.

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So, Where’s Your Data?

According to research by PricewaterhouseCoopers, knowledge workers spend up to half their time looking for information. Looking for information eats up productivity, especially when you consider that the amount of data created by businesses increases by more than 65 percent every year. That’s a lot to keep track of.
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