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SumnerOne Employee Spotlight: 5Qs with Sheila Plemons

Written by Jenni Duke | Mar 6, 2020 2:00:00 PM

How well do you know your coworkers? Here at SumnerOne, we pride ourselves on being a company that values family, and we strive to extend that value to how we treat our fellow employees. With that in mind, and in a hope to build on those values, we’ve decided to introduce you to one of our SumnerOne family coworkers each month.

Our fifth spotlight is Sheila Plemons, Contract Billing Specialist, out of the St. Louis office of SumnerOne. A self-proclaimed homebody, Sheila likes nothing more than to curl up with her 2 bichon frisé dogs. One could argue, actually, that she likes one thing more: shopping. Sheila truly enjoys shopping and looking for the best deals.

Sheila’s been at the St. Louis office for 36 years, when it was still called Copying Concepts. Coming from a sales position at Xerox, she understands this industry from a lot of angles. About her role, however, she says, “It always included contracts.” Her deep understanding of the complexities of contracts, her pleasant nature, and her attention to detail makes her well-suited to her current role. Like so many of us at SumnerOne, Sheila’s job has many facets. She does, “Everything & anything having to do with maintenance contracts—setting up new ones, billing those, canceling those, and answering questions about those.” Sheila says her favorite thing about SumnerOne is, “There has always been the philosophy to take care of the customer, and that still exists today.

5Qs with Sheila Plemons

1. Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer?

I enjoy the hunt for the things I like to gather… because I love to shop.

2. How lucky are you?

Not overly lucky at winning things, but very lucky to have a great husband and kids. My kids are absolutely awesome—they have great hearts.

3. If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you?

Lily Tomlin

4. List three words that describe your character.

Sincere, analytical, considerate

5. If you could transfer to any other SumnerOne department, where would you go?

The Admin Group in Tulsa. I work with them just a little bit. I’d like to get to know those folks better.

SumnerOne is the one place where everything works and where everyone works together like family. Check out our SumnerOne Employee Spotlights the first Friday of each month.