Reduce Costs with a Print Management Solution

Shuffling paper documents from desk to desk may be an average day for many companies, but who wants to be just average? If your business wants to stay relevant in a rapidly changing digital world, your processes need to change right along with it. Print Management can provide the mechanism to make it happen.

The Basics of Printing

Successful print management begins with an assessment of your current print environment. Find out:

  • Your current print volumes.
  • Your overall print spend, including supplies, maintenance, repairs, and device purchases.
  • An inventory of your copiers and printers, with insight into usage, costs, and life expectancy.
  • An assessment of your print-related workflows.

Positive Changes With Print Management

After your print assessment, print management providers offer solutions to help reduce printing costs and improve productivity.

1. Reduce wasteful printing. Despite requests to reduce unnecessary printing, businesses still copy the average document a total of 19 times. It’s easy to see how digital processes could eliminate most, or even all, of those 19 copies. Analyzing why employees feel a need to print documents rather than share them electronically is key to reducing unnecessary printing. Offering a digital alternative via print management is a proven solution to reduce that number.

2. Eliminate your mailroom. Businesses who replace paper communications and initiate electronic mailing processes can make tremendous strides in reducing paper usage. Digital mailrooms reduce staffing costs, paper and postage expenses, and expensive office space. They also result in digital replies that keep the method moving forward.

3. Reduce storage requirements. When paper processes are at their worst, offsite storage becomes the crisis-management solution for document archiving. From security issues to high monthly fees, offsite document storage has many disadvantages. Print Management provides solutions like scanning to reduce the need to archive large quantities of paper documents.

To learn more ways Print Management can help your organization reduce costs and improve daily processes. SumnerOne is ready to help your business gain control of your print environment. Give us a call today!


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Originally published January 5, 2017, updated August 7, 2018


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