Life Hack: Making Communication Easy with VoIP

What is VoIP? The word is definitely fun to say, but what exactly does it mean for you and your business? VoIP is a term that refers to Voice over Internet Protocol. Still, what does that mean? This virtual phone system is also known as internet telephony, it converts voice vibrations to compressed digital signals that translate to internet protocol (IP) packets. These IP packets are then transmitted and converted into a regular telephone signal. In essence, it allows computer users and businesses to make telephone calls from a desktop computer or other connected devices that are equipped with VoIP technology. This is a valuable tool for businesses, but the other features and bonuses attached to switching to VoIP technology make the choice a no-brainer.

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In Case You Missed Us: Introducing Tech Talk on KTRS


We want to start this off with a big "THANK YOU" to the great people at KTRS, Guy Phillips for making our radio debut such a great experience. We are really excited to continue with Tech Talk these next few weeks and see where things take us!

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The Next Phase of SumnerOne

SumnerOne is growing – we’re serving more regions than ever and we’re bringing more new solutions than ever to our customers! So first and foremost, thank you for being our customer and giving us the opportunity to grow and serve you better. We are happy to have you along on this journey with us!

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Non-Profits are Big Targets: Cyber Security Awareness

The vast majority of people could not ever imagine taking anything from a non-profit organization. Our minds typically drift to seeing what we can do for others when it comes to thinking about helping a non-profit group. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks that way. Cyber criminals view these organizations as a target for cyber attacks. Unsure why non-profits are hot targets for these criminals? Here’s why:

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Tech Talk Presented by SumnerOne on The Big 550 KTRS

SumnerOne is pleased to announce our latest partnership with the Guy Phillips Show! This partnership comes with a fun twist, you can now tune in on Friday afternoons at 4:20 to The Big 550 KTRS (550AM) and listen to “Tech Talk” presented by SumnerOne!

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24 Years as a Konica Minolta Pro-Tech Partner

For the past 29 years, Konica Minolta has been awarding businesses with their Pro-Tech Service Award. This honor is awarded to their dealers that are committed to providing outstanding customer service and focus on maintaining Konica Minolta products to their optimal performance. In 2017, both SumnerOne St. Louis and Kansas City were awarded  the Pro-Tech Service Award. SumnerOne has been the only dealer in Missouri to be selected for the 24th year in a row.

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 All right…admit it. Who hasn’t wanted to go all Office Space on a misbehaving copier once or twice in their professional career? We’ve heard the desperation in peoples’ voices as they call our office begging for help with one of those rogue printers that showed up on someone’s desk and randomly decides to spew madness. So we thought we’d have a little fun with the idea and kick it up a notch in our Kansas City office while doing a bit of good for our local community with our 2nd Annual Worst Copier in KC event. Our aim was twofold: raise some serious cash for BIGGSteps for Cancer Prevention & replace KC's worst copier with a new Canon MFP valued at $10,000 plus 2 full years of copies and service at a local business in desperate need of a new copier.

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