5 Technologies to Make Team Collaboration More Effective

Chances are you've probably had some negative experiences when working as part of a team in your lifetime. Whether it was a college group project gone wrong or at work and your team was lacking the tools needed to reach the desired end goal. As they say, teamwork makes the dream work, and achieving that dream as a team makes the victory so much sweeter. Utilizing these different technologies when it comes time to set up your next business collaboration goal will help to create a positive teamwork outcome!

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In Case You Missed Us: Wardriving on Tech Talk with KTRS

Last week our topic for Tech Talk on KTRS was about wardriving. Contrary to how the name sounds, wardriving isn't the name of some new blockbuster hit or video game. Wardriving is the act of driving around and looking for unsecured Wi-Fi networks. Our IT expert, Jeff Groby, joined the show to talk with listeners about how to protect their wireless network from the trend. In addition to discussing concerns with wardriving, Jeff also fielded multiple calls to answer tech questions during the segment on The Guy Phillips Show!

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In Case You Missed Us: Technology Changes on Tech Talk with KTRS

Each week we visit the studio of The Big 550 KTRS for Tech Talk on the Guy Phillips Show! Our IT experts join Guy, his co-host, Heidi Glaus, and their producer to talk about the happenings in technology and cyber security. Last week our expert, Randy Moore, joined the show to talk about a little bit of everything.

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4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs to Up its Email Security Game


If you've ever strung together the sentence, "I don't care if my email gets hacked, there's nothing important in there." You're wildly mistaken. Even if you only use your email as a home base for your social media accounts and to stay in touch with old friends, you're still at risk. The vast majority of account holders use their email for bills, work, and other bits of personal information. If just about anything related to your email account was to fall into the hands of a cyber criminal, you should expect disaster. Here are 4 reasons it's time to up your email security game.

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In Case You Missed Us: Recycling Old Technology on Tech Talk with KTRS

Do you have a shelf or drawer of old tech devices that are just collecting dust? Maybe you told yourself that you would use it as a backup for your new device or you just didn't know what to do with it once you were done, it happens. Our IT expert, Chadd Haselhorst joined the crew at The Big 550 KTRS for Tech Talk to discuss some options around recycling dated technology.

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In Case You Missed Us: Debunking Tech Myths on Tech Talk with KTRS

Last week on Tech Talk with The Big 550 KTRS, we took the myth busters approach and tackled some technology myths that are believed by end users. Myths can get created based off of opinion, a story twist, or even a white lie. Our IT expert, Jeff Groby joined the Guy Phillips Show to set the record straight on smartphone news, cell phone reception and taking care of your computer.

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4 Tips for Securing your Printers to Avoid a Data Disaster

Do you know what one of the biggest threats to your office's IT infrastructure is? Here are a few hints to help you guess if you don't already know. Almost every office across the world has at least one. It's that loner over in the corner that doesn't talk to anyone unless you talk to it first. It likes to communicate using a series of beeping sounds to let you know it's awake and ready to go. Perhaps the weirdest clue of them all, sometimes it likes to eat paper. What's your best guess? If you guessed the new person who started last week, you may want to get them some help because we were actually describing your office multifunction printer! Over the years, your printer has brought forward loads of convenience, but its enhanced abilities have also increased potential risks to your business security.

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