Featured Product: Canon imagePRESS C910/C810 Series

For many, "digital" and "print" seem at odds with one another. Some even thought a digital world would mean the death of print. However, print has embraced the digital world to advance industry offerings, functionality, and, most importantly, productivity. Digital print has revolutionized print production and created a huge demand for flexible, low-cost, high-quality printing options.

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How an Enterprise Content Management System Saves You Time and Money

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Systems enable organizations to save time and money by efficiently managing documents and information. By digitizing paper documents and automating document-driven processes, the right people get access to the correct information at the right time, simply and securely.

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5 Benefits of a VoIP Phone System for Your Call Center

VoIP has emerged as an effective alternative to on-premise phone systems. Instead of traditional phone lines, VoIP phone systems operate on an internet connection, rather than depending on an on-site infrastructure. VoIP phone systems are hosted off-site in the cloud and can be monitored and managed remotely by a phone service provider

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How to Create an Effective Remote Work Policy [Checklist]

As technology advances and the importance of work-life balance grows for individuals in the workforce, companies are increasingly considering remote work as a viable option for employees. Remote work, done on either a full or part-time basis, helps companies by increasing productivity, decreasing turnover rates, and improving both mental and physical health. 

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Home Network Security: A Guide for Remote Workers

Working from home is on the rise in the United States. According to a FlexJobs & Global Workplace Analytics report, there has been a 159% Increase in Remote Work Since 2005. If you work for a company that has instituted a remote work policy on a full or part-time basis, it is essential to put security measures in place on your home network, just like how you would in a traditional office environment.

Cyber-crime is increasing as well as users move their work home. Security experts predict a 30-40% increase in cyber-attacks as remote work increases. Protecting your system is an intimidating task to take on for the majority of Americans, but there are some simple steps you can take to secure and encrypt your data. The first step to take is to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

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Offset vs. Digital Printing: How to Choose for Your Next Print Job

There are a lot of resources out there that take on this question: Which technology should I use for my next printing project? With the ever-growing updates in tech, however, those articles can quickly become outdated and many of them are already. Here at SumnerOne, we want to make sure that you stay on top of all the latest printing trends, even if that means revisiting a long-going debate.

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SumnerOne Improves Printing Efficiency + Billing Transparency at SWIC

When people think about printers and print services, their first thoughts probably lean toward books and pamphlet printing—they’re most likely not thinking about schools. Education, however, is a huge user of print technologies, and SumnerOne does its best to use its expertise to digitally transform these spaces with the latest technology and their exceptional commitment to service.

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