Recent Posts by SumnerOne


Reams and Quires, Oh My!


 You probably know what a ream is. It’s that bundle of paper you have to unwrap every time the copier tray needs a reload. It is a unit of measurement in the world of paper. A ream is 500 pieces of paper of the same weight and size.

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So, Where’s Your Data?

According to research by PricewaterhouseCoopers, knowledge workers spend up to half their time looking for information. Looking for information eats up productivity, especially when you consider that the amount of data created by businesses increases by more than 65 percent every year. That’s a lot to keep track of.
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Getting Smart About Cyber Security

Your data is your company’s most important asset. From your client contact list to the proprietary information that makes each business unique and successful. So protecting your systems and your data is top of mind for business owners large and small.


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The World’s Oldest Technology

Printing is an inevitable part of operating any business. From business development to invoicing there’s paper involved. And it’s a technology that is more than 2000 years old. Our print managers know a lot about optimizing the cost of business printing. But they know a few other fun facts as well.

Printing and the many components that go along with printing have been around way longer than most would think. Technology is always evolving and we are always finding new ways to make our professional lives more efficient. Keeping that in mind, who knows what kinds of different technologies will be around in the years and centuries to come. 

Will the people of the future look back at us and wonder how we ever made it by with the things we believe to be cutting-edge technology? Will services like managed print, VoIP, and electronic content management all be things of the past? Only time will tell. 

What kinds of technology do you think the people of the future will have 100 years from now?

If you're interested in bringing your office up-to-date with the current future, contact SumnerOne about the different ways you can update the way your office does business!

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Originally published March 1, 2017, updated August 6, 2018

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Way Beyond Sci-Fi. Biometrics Are Headed for the Workplace.

We have all seen the list of worst passwords – “123456” and “password” always seem to vie for the top spot. But the bottom line is that passwords are one of the weakest links in the protection of business data.  That’s why they are slowly being abandoned, but if not passwords, then what?

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Predictive vs. Proactive IT Management

Reactive IT, like most reactive strategies is inefficient, distracting and expensive. A thoughtful deployment of proactive or even predictive IT management can give businesses a much-needed boost in productivity and help improve employee satisfaction. But what’s the difference between proactive and predictive?  Our IT management teams offered this explanation:
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Checking In On Office Design Trends

 In December of 2015, Fast Company published an article predicting the top 8 office design trends for 2016. A year later, we’re curious as to how those predictions have turned out. So we checked in with a few of our clients and colleagues, here’s what we discovered about the top 4 predictions:

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