Recent Posts by SumnerOne


The Ultimate Checklist to Grade Your Computer Guy

The pulse of every company today can usually be measured by their digital presence. Almost everyone has a website and their business survives working on a network. As workers start their day, they have a cup of coffee or two in the morning. They sit at their desk answering calls and e-mails and things run smoothly as the workday hums along; until there is a problem with your network or device. But how can you be sure that the IT provider there to solve your issues has your businesses best interest in mind? 

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Dive Headfirst Into a Digital Transformation

This weekend, we were in a competitive situation for a dream home in Kansas City. We had several rounds of changes to our offer agreement as we negotiated against multiple motivated buyers. Time and flexibility were critical as we were against a tight dead line. Several conversations between us and realtors representing buyers and sellers and lenders took place. We got our signed documents in by the 5 pm deadline for a final decision from the seller. The result; we got our dream home.

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Bad Rabbit: The Latest in Ransomware Attacks


On Tuesday, a new ransomware appeared in Russia and the Ukraine, and began spreading throughout the region. The ransomware which has been dubbed, “Bad Rabbit,” started spreading through Russian media outlets and large corporations in the Ukraine. Quickly, it made its way to large corporations in Western Europe and the United States.

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WPA2 KRACKS in the Pavement

If you haven't been living under a rock, you may have heard news this week of a vulnerability found in WPA2 that can affect your wireless network security. Here is what you need to know about the latest in cyber attacks.

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Moving Your Business Into the Future with Digital Transformation

What could a digital transformation mean for your business? Truth is, there is no single catch-all definition of what digital transformation means. Digital transformations can mean many different things for different businesses and organizations. But one thing that is certain about digital transformation is that it has become imperative for every business. No matter what the service or size of your business is, delivering a strong digital presence has become the way of the future. However, a digital transformation isn’t only about changes in technology, it is also about embracing new changes within your business. 

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What is "IT" for Small to Medium Business Security?

What is “IT”? You never know where “IT” could be. Lurking around the printer, responding to e-mails, or answering phone calls.

Maybe "IT" comes in an unexpected e-mail from your coworker, Ted. You click on the link inside without hesitation. Ted is notorious for sharing the best memes. Why wouldn’t you? You wait for the web page to load with anticipation but the page never loads - oh well, there's work to do. Did you notice that Ted's email address was misspelled? What about the web address that the link was sending you to? It was different than the link in the email.

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3 Reasons to Move to a Document Management Solution

 Small and medium businesses see a lot of value when moving to managed document solutions, but it takes a little digging. We find the top benefits to our clients who adopt electronic content management (ECM) fall into three categories access, monitoring and processing all of that critical data. Some examples include:

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